Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Thermal Desorption

Oil sludge pyrolysis plant is a harmless solution for industrial oily waste treatment and soil remediation. It converts oil sludge into pyrolysis oil, sand, and combustible gas for reuse. In recent years, Beston Group has successfully collaborated with clients worldwide on oil sludge treatment projects. We are committed to delivering reliable oil sludge pyrolysis treatment plant and customized solutions. Please learn more.

Where Does Oil Sludge Come from?

The petroleum industry, vital to the global economy, also poses significant environmental challenges, particularly in oil sludge generation. This complex mixture contains harmful substances (heavy metals, PCBs, etc.), and some crude oil. Its improper handling can lead to severe soil and water pollution. Oil sludge is produced at various stages of petroleum economic activities, including:

Oil Exploration and Production

Oil Exploration and Production

  • Types: oil-based cuttings, operational sludge,
    and landed sludge.
  • Formation: During the drilling process, waste like
    drilling mud, solid particles, drilling fluid residues
    and oil-bearing formation profile materials are
    mixed to form complex sludge.
Oilfield Gathering and Transportation

Oilfield Gathering and Transportation

  • Types: oil-based cuttings, tankbottom sludge.
  • Formation: When oil is stored in tanks, heavy
    oil particles settle at the bottom, forming oil
    sludge. Common deposition locations include
    the bottoms of oil tanks, sedimentation ponds,
    sewage tanks, and grease traps.
Oil Refining

Oil Refining

  • Types: grease trap bottom mud, floatation pond
    scum and activated sludge.
  • Formation: These wastes are byproducts of the
    treatment and separation processes during oil
    refining. These wastes often contain oil residues,
    chemicals, and other impurities.
Oil Spill from Ship

Oil Spill Accident

  • Formation: In the event of an oil spill, either from
    offshore rigs, pipelines, or storage facilities, large
    amounts of oil can mix with water, soil, and debris,
    forming a thick, oily sludge. This oil sludge can
    spread across vast areas and pose significant
    environmental hazards.

Compare Oil Sludge Treatment Solutions: Why Pyrolysis Stands Out?

Pyrolysis technology outperforms traditional oil sludge disposal methods in several key areas. It boasts high efficiency, low pollution, effective resource recovery, etc. This offers new possibilities for waste management and environmental protection. Below is a comparison of key oil sludge treatment technologies:

Technology Technological Features Secondary Pollution Process Maturity Facility Investment Energy Consumption Application Scope
Thermochemical Washing Incomplete oil recovery A large amount of remaining polluted oil sludge Simple and mature Low Medium Suitable for simple oil recovery
Solvent Extraction Relatively complete oil recovery Solvent contamination Complex, immature, with safety risks High Medium Suitable for deep oil recovery
Biological Treatment Long treatment cycle, poor treatment effect for cycloalkanes and aromatics Secondary pollution risk Complex, immature Medium Low Suitable for final treatment of sludge with 3-5% oil content
Incineration Able to treat all organic matter, but unable to recover original oil Minimal ash, toxic and harmful gases Complex High High No scale limit
Pyrolysis  Able to treat all organic matter and effectively recover original oil Minimal ash Mature Medium Medium No scale limit

Common Pyrolysis or Catalytic Pyrolysis: Choose Your Technical Solution

Pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition process that occurs at high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. Beston Group offers 2 pyrolysis technology solutions (thermal desorption unit) for efficiently treating oil sludge with varying characteristics. Welcome contact us for a detailed consultation.

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant
Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Common Pyrolysis

  • Applicable Materials: oil sludge with a high oil content.
  • Benefits: Achieve harmless disposal and volume reduction of oil sludge.

Catalytic Pyrolysis

  • Applicable Materials: oil sludge with high wax content.
  • Benefits: Prevent wax buildup in pipelines, reducing safety risks during production; facilitate the harmless disposal and reduction of waste.

Technical Parameter of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant for Sale

There are two distinct models, each with varying working methods and capacities. You can refer to their respective specifications for more details.

Batch Type

  • Model: BLJ-16
  • Production cycle: 30 working days
  • Best-selling models for small to medium-scale business projects

Pyrolysis Plant - Batch Type

Continuous Type

  • Model: BLL-30
  • Production cycle: 100 working days
  • Largest capacity; 24 continuous operation for 3-6 days

Pyrolysis Plant - Continuous Type

Working ProcessBatchFully continuous
Reactor Sizeφ2800*7100mmφ1800*18500mm
Reactor MaterialQ345R310S stainless steel
Drive System500 reducer+7.5kw drive motorZQH650-50 reducer+15kw frequency conversion motor
Land (L*W*H)33m*13m*8m70m*20m*10m
Burner2*400,000 kcal2.5 million kcal per set
Total Weight of Shipped MaterialsAbout 34.5tAbout 150t
Number of Containers1*40FR+2*40HQ25m*8m bulk cargo+8*40HQ
Noise (dB)≤60≤60
Heating MaterialsFuel oil (including tyre/plastic pyrolysis oil), natural gas, LPG, diesel, etc.
Condensing System (Vertical Condenser)φ820*3600
Single piece condensing area
2 sets of vertical condenser

How Does Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant Work?

01 Feeding

Open reactor door and connect hydraulic feeder to it. Under the pressure of hydraulic feeder, oil sludge goes to reactor. Remove hydraulic feeder after feeding and close and lock the door tightly.

Note: Choose the appropriate feeder according to the state of the oil sludge.

Oil Sludge Moisture Content Recommended Feeding Method
Below 40% Belt Conveyor
40%-60% Shaftless Screw Conveyor
Above 75% Oil Sludge Pump

02 Preheating and Pyrolysis

Start the main reactor rotation and preheat with your own fuel. When temperature reaches about 110℃ after 2-3h, it begins to produce oil gas and water. The oil gas enters manifold through the first screw, under the action of gravity, the heavy oil slag falls to the screw and is pushed to the reactor for further pyrolysis.

03 Oil Gas Condensation and Pyrolysis Gas Recycling

Light oil gas enters vertical tube condenser. Under the action of water cooling, the high-temperature oil gas is condensed into liquid oil and stored in the oil storage tank.
The uncondensed pyrolysis combustible gas enters the hydroseal for purification. It then enters the furnace for combustion and utilization in order to save fuel. The excess pyrolysis gas enters the exhaust chamber for combustion and emission treatment.

04 Flue Gas Dedusting

The high temperature flue gas from the main reactor enters the flue condenser for cooling treatment. Then it goes to the spray tower for spraying dust removal, discharging through the chimney to the atmosphere.

05 Water-cooling Discharging

Close the burners after the reaction, the main reactor and the draft fan still operate normally. After 7-8h of natural cooling, the slag can be discharged by auto screw discharger and water-cooling discharger.

Final Products of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Pyrolysis Oil from Oil Sludge Pyrolysis

Pyrolysis Oil

Pyrolysis oil is primarily made up of hydrocarbons. These compounds are derived from the breakdown of the organic materials in the oil sludge, including oils, greases, and hydrocarbons. It  can be used in such ways:

  • directly sold and used as industrial fuel;
  • as raw oil for reprocessing into non-standard diesel;
  • further refined for chemical feedstock.

Sand from Oil Sludge Pyrolysis


Sand is a by-product formed from the minerals and impurities in the oil sludge during pyrolysis. It can be applied in such way:

  • used in landfills, sold to brick factories for brick production;
  • sold to oil companies as an anti-collapse agent for oil wells.

Combustible Gas from Oil Sludge Pyrolysis

Combustible Gas

The combustible gas produced includes methane (CH₄), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H₂), and other light hydrocarbons. These gases come from the decomposition of organic substances like oils and fats in the oil sludge, which break down into smaller molecules under high temperatures.

  • Usually directly purified and reused to provide heat to the oil sludge pyrolysis plant.

Possible Profit Sources from Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Solution

Selling Pyrolysis Products

  • Potential Buyers: Oil refineries, construction companies, etc.
  • Profit Income: Dependent on the market price of pyrolysis products.
  • Reason: Pyrolysis products have wide industrial applications. The potential buyers are willing to purchase these cost-effective industrial materials.

Government Economic Subsidies

  • Potential Source: Policy subsidies and tax incentives
  • Profit Income: Subsidy amounts vary by specific region and policy.
  • Reason: Governments around the world encourage businesses to prioritize waste management through financial subsidies. Oil sludge pyrolysis become one focus due to its environmental benefits.

Charging for Hazardous Waste Disposal

Potential Target: Entities generating oil sludge waste, such as oil drilling companies and chemical plants.

Profit Income: Disposal fees depend on waste volume, type, and local environmental regulations. For example, a waste management company in Nigeria charges $200 per ton for processing oil sludge with pyrolysis technology. In the long term, this can fully cover the oil sludge pyrolysis plant cost.

Reason: Oil sludge is classified as hazardous waste, and many countries have strict regulations regarding its disposal. Companies can charge waste-generating entities for the disposal process. As environmental regulations become more stringent, the demand for hazardous waste disposal services is increasing, particularly from industries like oil and chemicals that generate large quantities of waste.

Embrace Superiority Designs of Beston Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

Nitrogen Replacement Technology – Safty Assurance

  • Prevents flash explosions within the reactor of oil sludge pyrolysis machine.
  • Ensures both equipment safety and operator security.

Hot Air Heating Technology – Energy Saving

  • Avoid materials contact with air, effectively reducing harmful gases like dioxins.
  • Achieve more uniform heating and more precise temperature control.

Floating Seal Technology – Safty Production

  • Achieve reactor’s dynamic sealing with carbon fiber and high-temperature soft filler.
  • Offer exceptional resistance to high temperatures, corrosion, and wear.

Anti-coking Technology – Smooth Operation

  • Effectively minimizes coking and residue build-up, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.
  • Reduce the maintenance frequency and maintenance costs of the oil sludge pyrolysis equipment.

EU-standard Dedusting  Technology – Green Production

  • Ensure all emitted gas won’t harm the atmosphere.
  • Support environmental regulations and promote sustainable development.

PLC and IOT Technology – User-Friendly Interface

  • Achieve real-time monitoring and alarm, automatic data collection, and wireless remote transmission.
  • Enhancing operational convenience and safety.

Global Cases of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant

1 Set Installation in Oman
4 Sets Installations in China
1 Set Installation in Africa
BLJ-16 Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant in Oman

Installation Site of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant in Oman

Project Time: from 2024;

Configuration: 1 set of BLJ-16 with 12-16 ton/day capacity;

Installation Method: Engineer on-site guidance.

BLJ-16 Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant in China

Installation of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant in China

Project Time: from 2023;

Configuration: 4 sets of BLJ-16 small pyrolysis machine;

Project Goal: Coordinated operation of multiple oil sludge pyrolysis plants to meet larger-scale demands.

BLJ-16 Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant in Africa

Install Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Treatment Plant in Africa

Project Time: from 2023;

Configuration: 1 set of BLJ-16 with 12-16 ton/day capacity.

Partner with Beston Group in Oil Sludge Disposal Sector

Partnering with Beston Group, you’re teaming up with an industry leader in oil sludge disposal. Beston Group offers pyrolysis solutions that efficiently reduce oil sludge volume while achieving harmless disposal. Advanced oil sludge pyrolysis plant will maximize environmental sustainability. Let Beston Group help you achieve sustainability goals. More updates on Facebook/YouTube/Linkedin/Pinterest.

    Contact Us

    The following items will help you identify key information about your project, which will enable us to work on a competitive solution proposal.

    Please specify your requirement by referring to the following aspects:

    1. What kind of solution will meet your demand? (Key point)

    2. What kind of material and expected end product are you planning to have?

    3. When is the project supposed to be running? (Key info for A-Z project programming)

    4. Budget for machinery purchasing? (Key info for right model)

    5. Points that you really focus on. (Customized service from our project consultant)